July 26, 2024

Two main reasons that make you delay in the growth of the company according to the opinions of successful business owners:

First, not achieving the goals set for the company such as sales, access, and market entry.

Second, a defect in the quality of customer service, the two reasons complete a continuous cycle, so if the customer does not have a positive experience, he simply will not buy.

Okay, you are an online store owner, medical center owner, or business owner and you want to increase your profits, improve the performance of your project, and improve customer service.


How can you identify the flaws and weaknesses that negatively affect your company’s performance?

The answer is simply by using the mystery shopper or inspector service from the Khafy application because it is the first Saudi platform to provide this service through which you can know the performance of your employees in your absence.

Who is the mystery shopper?

He is a trained person who has experience in a specific field and is assigned by the Khafy platform in an unannounced manner where he pretends to be a regular customer. The mystery shopper’s mission is to live the customer experience himself and go through all the stages of your customers and provide clear and detailed reports on strengths and weaknesses such as employee performance, cleanliness of the place, or anything you want to know about your project.

What is the individual report? 

Detailed reports prepared by mystery shoppers measure different aspects of the company’s work. The individual report is a report that you receive immediately after each task is completed and is an answer to the questionnaire questions that are created by the employer or with suggestions from artificial intelligence or by relying on the mysterious team. The report is provided by the mysterious platform for free with the tasks in it all the questions related to the questionnaire and after completing the task, all important questions are answered such as How was the reception? Cleanliness? And other evaluative aspects.

The mystery shopper answers the questions with complete honesty and transparency based on the questionnaire specified by the employer and based on his personal experience.

The individual report provides the date of the task, its details and the results in the form of a chart showing the overall relative performance result and can be downloaded outside the application and kept for review at any time.

Purpose of the individual report 

With the information provided, you can analyze the data and discover external and internal weaknesses. In most cases, it is difficult for you as an employer to manage and know the performance of your business or the performance of employees in your absence, so the individual report provides the employer with a clear picture or idea about the internal transaction issues that are taking place, which helps you as an entrepreneur in making sound decisions based on the results.

For example, if you want to make training programs for employees or want to change the look of the place or renew the web page, whatever improvement you feel your project needs, this report will help you quickly make these decisions and save you from losing time and effort.

The main goal is to improve the quality of service and raise the level of customer satisfaction. If you are ready to take your company or store to another level, contact Khafy.

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